Cyber Security For Production Companies: A Clear Must For The Future
Today, production companies can no longer manage without a high-performance IT environment. Numerous servers work in the data centres of industrial…

Avoidance Of Dangerous Electrostatic Discharges In Production Plants
In all industrial areas where flammable liquids or fine-grained, combustible bulk materials are filled, mixed or loaded, explosive atmospheres…

Plant Safety: Corrosion And Fire Protection In Explosive And Fire-Prone Operating Environments
Corrosion under insulation - for example due to water penetration - is also a major problem in the petrochemical industry. Corrosion underneath…

Leaks In Compressed Air Systems Cost Companies A Lot Of Money
An absolutely tight compressed air network is more of a myth than reality, even with the greatest effort. Even if a little escaping air doesn't…

Important Occupational Safety In The Construction Of Chemical Plants: Extraction Of Hazardous Substances
To ensure that chemical materials can be transported and stored in the best possible way, it is of elementary importance that pipes and containers…

Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Of Pipe Systems During Product Change
A major cost factor in industrial plants with frequent product changes is the complete cleaning of pipes and piping systems. Everything must…

Antimony Oxide As Flame Retardant – Efficient But Also Dangerous?
Flame-retardant coated fabrics typically contain flame retardants in the coating. The following applies: The thinner the fabric and the coating,…