Phosphorus Recycling: Sustainable Resource Recovery from Sewage Sludge from 2029
From 2029, the recovery of phosphorus from municipal sewage sludge will be mandatory for operators of wastewater treatment plants. This development…

Product Lifecycle Management sustainably changes Development Processes
Digitalisation is fundamentally changing product development: increasing complexity, shortened development cycles and stricter regulatory requirements…

Digitalisation of Pallet Logistics through QR Codes
Over the past decades, the Euro pallet has established itself as an indispensable part of global logistics. With the introduction of QR codes…

Introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Impact on the Chemical Industry
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a central element of the EU strategy to prevent the shifting of CO2 emissions abroad and to…

Harmonisation of Analytics Systems: Advantages of a standardised CDS platform
In modern analytical laboratories, the harmonisation of systems is crucial for efficiency and accuracy. A harmonised chromatography data system…

Current Sustainability Trends in Measurement and Control Technology
Measurement and control technology plays a central role in the implementation of sustainable practices in the chemical process industry. Precise…

Sustainable Industrial Packaging: Boxli 1000 – flexible and preservative-free
Efficiency and sustainability are among the top priorities these days, and not just for chemical companies like Weserland. An on-site test in…

Sustainability: Weserland GmbH achieves impressive Results with EcoVadis Assessment
In pursuing sustainability and responsibility towards the environment and society, Weserland GmbH from Hanover has reached a significant milestone.…

Fire-resistant and Bio-based Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Structural Lightweight Construction
Due to their lightweight construction potential, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) are used in particular in the aerospace and automotive industries…

The Chemical Industry is undergoing a digital upheaval
"Speed becomes a competitive advantage" is the title of an interview in the trade magazine Chemie Technik in April 2022 with Tobias Gehlhaar,…