Things worth knowing

As a service to you we regularly publish news and interesting facts from the industry and about our company, our products and services. We appreciate your interest and your feedback.

Our newest articles

Besonders bei unvermeidbaren Emissionen aus Industrieprozessen spielt CCUS eine zentrale Rolle für die Klimaneutralität.

CCUS technologies: Key to the Fight Against Climate Change

In addition to avoiding emissions and expanding renewable energies, the systematic capture, utilisation and storage of CO2 will also be necessary…
2 min
Digitale Typenschilder zeigen den Weg. Digital identification plates show the way.

Digital Identification Plates Revolutionise Technical Documentation

The development of digital documentation in mechanical and plant engineering has reached an important milestone with the new EU Machinery Directive.…
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Produktentwicklung mit Product-Lifecycle-Management-Systemen.

Product Lifecycle Management sustainably changes Development Processes

Digitalisation is fundamentally changing product development: increasing complexity, shortened development cycles and stricter regulatory requirements…
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Digital markings om Euro Pallets with QR codes

Digitalisation of Pallet Logistics through QR Codes

Over the past decades, the Euro pallet has established itself as an indispensable part of global logistics. With the introduction of QR codes…
2 min
Eine einheitliche CDS-Plattform ermöglicht eine geräteübergreifende Administration.

Harmonisation of Analytics Systems: Advantages of a standardised CDS platform

In modern analytical laboratories, the harmonisation of systems is crucial for efficiency and accuracy. A harmonised chromatography data system…
2 min
Entwicklung und Bedeutung lateraler Führung / Development and importance of lateral leadership

Lateral Leadership: The Key to Effective Modern Teamwork

At a time when our working world is increasingly characterised by cross-divisional cooperation, flat hierarchies and project teams, it is imperative…
2 min
Qualifikation, Enhanced-Reality und digitale Zwillinge

Digital Twins In The Chemical Industry: Process Optimisation Through Enhanced Reality

The times when plant operators operated the same plant for 20 years are over, and not only in the chemical industry. In addition, a whole generation…
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Ernergie-Audit live

Energy audit 2023 – What Can Change for Larger Chemical Companies?

For quite a few companies, an energy audit is again due in 2023. The Energy Services Act has made this mandatory since 2015. This affects all…
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Efficiency and Optimisation for Compressed Air Equipment: Plenty of Room for Improvement

The life-cycle costs for compressed air equipment are just under 30 per cent of the capital expenditure - the remaining 70 per cent must be spent…
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Die Einführung des CBAM stellt die chemische Industrie vor zahlreiche Herausforderungen

Introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM): Impact on the Chemical Industry

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a central element of the EU strategy to prevent the shifting of CO2 emissions abroad and to…
2 min
digitale Transformation mit einer neuen Mess- und Regeltechnik trägt somit entscheidend zur Klimaneutralität in der chemischen Industrie bei

Current Sustainability Trends in Measurement and Control Technology

Measurement and control technology plays a central role in the implementation of sustainable practices in the chemical process industry. Precise…
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Boxli 1000 – eine nachhaltige Industrieverpackung für 1000L-Verpackungen.Oliver Bär, Weserland GmbH

Sustainable Industrial Packaging: Boxli 1000 – flexible and preservative-free

Efficiency and sustainability are among the top priorities these days, and not just for chemical companies like Weserland. An on-site test in…
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Weserland Auszeichnung mit der EcoVadis Silber-Medaille im März 2024, die eine Gesamtleistung von 70% bescheinigt / Weserland was awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal in March 2024, certifying an overall performance of 70%wertbar

Sustainability: Weserland GmbH achieves impressive Results with EcoVadis Assessment

In pursuing sustainability and responsibility towards the environment and society, Weserland GmbH from Hanover has reached a significant milestone.…
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Betrieb chemischer Reaktoren / The targeted use of agitators can significantly shorten process times and thus reduce operating costs and CO2 emissions

Optimising Energy Efficiency through the Use of Glass-Lined Reactors

In the chemical industry, the operation of reactors – especially glass-lined reactors – is a key factor in terms of both energy consumption…
2 min
lighting in production facilities is an important factor in any sustainability strategy

Energy-saving Lighting Technologies: A Key to Sustainability

The effective utilisation of lighting in production facilities is an important factor in any sustainability strategy. An internationally active…
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Polymer Filtration in Chemical Recycling

Polymer Filtration in Chemical Recycling: Backwashable Filter Cartridges as a New Key Technology

In a rapidly developing chemical industry, especially in the chemical recycling sector, the efficient and environmentally friendly processing…
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Ab September 2023: Konsequenzen des EU-Verbot von Leuchtstofflampen für die Chemieindustrie // From September 2023: Consequences of the EU ban on fluorescent lamps for the chemical industry

Adapting to Progress: Phasing Out “Neon Tubes” with the EU Ban on Fluorescent Lamps

The final farewell hour of classic fluorescent lamps is approaching. From 1 September 2023, fluorescent lamps of the T8 design may no longer…
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Sustainable exhaust air treatment is a clear must in the future.

Sustainable Exhaust Air Treatment in the Chemical Industry: Methods and Implications

The growing need to improve energy efficiency and meet climate targets has implications for the selection of exhaust air purification methods…
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Isolierung / Insulation - Energieeffizienz / Energy Efficiency

Insulation In The Chemical Industry: Increasing Energy Efficiency And Safety

Insulation is essential in the chemical industry to minimise energy loss and thus increase efficiency and profitability. Significant energy savings…
2 min
Eine dedizierte Strategie für eine Kohlenstoffwirtschaft erfordert den Aufbau neuer Strukturen.

Carbon in the Chemical Industry: Fossil CO2 to be replaced by the Year 2050

The process of decarbonising the energy sector and expanding renewable energies is underway in many countries. And it is also perfectly understandable…
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Flammhemmende und hautfreundliche Baumwolltextilien entwickelt

Internal Networks: Flame-retardant and skin-friendly cotton textiles developed

Conventional textiles often contain residues of formaldehyde and are also unpleasant on the skin. For fire-fighters and other emergency personnel,…
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Einsatz der Faserverbundkunststoffe (fibre reinforced plastics) in Frachtschiffen

Fire-resistant and Bio-based Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Structural Lightweight Construction

Due to their lightweight construction potential, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP) are used in particular in the aerospace and automotive industries…
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Green Hydrogen: The Challenge of Safety Engineering

In the course of the energy transition, hydrogen will become increasingly important – especially the 'green' hydrogen produced by electrolysis…
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Production Of Man-Made Fibres: Specially Adapted Water Treatment Plants For Complete Demineralisation

From spinning to cable production and fibre cutting: all these work stages require fully demineralised water (demineralised water) – almost…
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News from the Industry

The Chemical Industry is undergoing a digital upheaval

"Speed becomes a competitive advantage" is the title of an interview in the trade magazine Chemie Technik in April 2022 with Tobias Gehlhaar,…
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Non-Intrusive Flow Measurement with Ultrasonic Sensors – Important for EX Areas

EX areas are areas where an explosive atmosphere can potentially occur. This risk is particularly present where explosive substances such as…
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Focus on Sustainability: Using Water as a Refrigerant

In order to implement a functioning circular economy in its entirety in an ecologically sensible way, the CO2 emissions of the processing operations…
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Failures, Costs, Interrupted Production Processes: Easily Avoidable Through Surface Cleaning

The production of high-quality parts is indeed daily business for the plastics processing industry. In production, it is not uncommon to fall…
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Digitalisierung beim Rohstoff-Handling

Digitalisation: Adapting Mechanical Raw Material Handling To A Fast-Moving Market

Getting raw materials to the right place in the right quantity and at the right time is becoming increasingly complex and time-consuming. The…
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Digitalisierung beim Rohstoff-Handling

Until When Is It Safe To Continue Operating GRP Tanks Without Replacing Them?

Tanks and pipelines made of glass-fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) are extremely popular in plant construction. The reason for this is the material's…
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